Saturday, 4 October 2008

The Attack of the S's

Yup, we are under attack here and seem to have an extreme overflow of S's. They are absolutely everywhere, littering F's English like I don't know what. S and I are no longer called Mama and Papa; for a while now we have been renamed Mamas and Papas (which always starts S humming). I'm not quite sure why this has come about. I have a feeling it may have crept in during the whole 'realisation that not everything in the world belongs to me' stage of F's development, when she became very interested in who owns what and felt the need to point things out continuously for the benefit of those of us who may be in doubt. 'Papa's shoes', 'Mama's bag', you get the picture. Still, it is hard not to to smile when a pint-size person wanders up to you with a cheery 'Mornings Mamas'. Besides than the s's, we only seem to have one other superfluous consonant which is an extra 'n' added on the end of the word 'loo' for good measure, often resulting in a somewhat desperate: 'Mamas, loon!'

As for the wee man, well he's not so wee as it turns out. In fact there's only about 1.5kg difference between N and F. He's really becoming quite adept at eating and I have even managed to take him out a couple of times and sit him in a high chair at the table with something or other (potato wedges from the previous night, rye bread or toast with pâté etc) while I get on with my own lunch. So it would seem that I have saved myself a couple of month's of faffing about with purees at least. It has to be said, that he does still make a fair mess but it is getting significantly less. N is also crawling properly now and getting into everything.

And I have to finish off by mentioning a monumental milestone for me. I actually went out last Sunday without children. Yup, I left a bottle of milk in the fridge and met up with another friend for a cinema trip to watch Mamma Mia! Fab film, absolutely loved it. Not the world's best storyline but that really doesn't matter because let's face it, anyone going to watch Mamma Mia! isn't in it for the story. And yes, I may as well admit right here and now that I did actually know all the words to all the songs. Well, what can I say, I was brought up on Abba.

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