Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Banana Sandwich...

... is my snack tonight as I attempt my second post on this blog.

I ought to make F's packed lunch soon (ie, before bed) as she is going on a trip with her nursery tomorrow, but I can just see that I'll end up rolling into bed and then there'll be a mad rush in the morning as I attempt to get 3 people ready (me, a stubborn toddler who is allergic to clothes and a 4 month-old who carefully times his nappy explosions for the minute after I have locked the front door) and then throw her packed lunch together at the last minute. There have been quite a few trips with nursery recently. On Monday they went to a park to see a children's jazz concert. F loved it - she adores music and a party atmosphere. All the children were given a (sponsored!) bottle of water with their packed lunches and a cuddly toy elephant. F, true to character, discarded the elephant and just played with the bottle of water when she got home. My daughter and her love of bottles (she babies them and frequently can be found settling the fabric conditioner to sleep. I promise you we have bought her a proper doll to play with, but she still remains loyal to those bottles).

This evening S started teaching me the Russian alphabet. We both had very different ideas as to how this should be done. And as we are both as stubborn as a grass stain on a pair of white football shorts, it ended up that he insisted on teaching me using his method and I insisted on learning using my method. A few weeks ago, we tried to see how many words I now know in Russian and we came to the conclusion it was about 50. Not bad for completely passive learning. It was also an interesting exercise because these words are probably a good indication of F's Russian vocabulary (they were all words which either she says all the time, plus a few that S constantly says to her). It was comforting to realise that her Russian isn't as far behind her English and Danish as I had thought.

Right, time for a quick footbath and then bed. I am happily pretending that I don't need to make any packed lunches, although I am sure that tomorrow morning I will be kicking myself for not being organised the previous evening.

Monday, 7 July 2008

Ought to go to sleep but am starting a blog instead

Well the title says it all. Have tried this blogging lark before and it failed miserably, mainly due to my laziness. I've never been one who could get past the 4th of January when making New Year's Resolutions to keep a diary, but hey ho, I'll give it another shot. You can't but call me an optimist. So maybe we could start this blog off with a sweepstake - how long do you all give me before it fades out? Post your answers and a prize to the winner (which you will never get because, of course, the chances are this blog would fade out because I'd have forgotten all about it).

Despite this bleak (realistic?) outlook, I'm keen to start a blog for several reasons. Partly because I have children who have grandparents far away and an online diary may be a nice thing for said grandparents, relatives and friends to read. Partly because I am rubbish at remembering my poor children's milestones, and if I can keep this up, then I can just email them the link if they ask me any questions in the future about their childhood. And partly this is because I always have a snack before bedtime, and maybe this will give me something to do while munching on my midnight toast. Or maybe it'll just clog my keyboard up with crumbs. Only time will tell.

Anyhoo, that tonight's round of toast finished so better start getting ready for bed. Night, night.